I installed the MS-Bob.
I found a lot of words are not displayed properly, was blocked, and sometimes the dialogue bubbles blur phenomenon.
How can I do now?
How to use MS-Bob?
456a852 -
8. Juli 2012 um 17:39
Topic activated.
What for a System do you use? Windows 7? You can try it under Windows XP
You could try to change the resolution or try VGA with 256 Colors.
And you need at least Windows XP (32-Bit) no matter which version (Home, Professional..). -
Can you give us a screenshot? Which version of Windows du you use? Maybe it'll work better on older versions, I think XP already should do quite fine.
I know this topic is old, but for everyone stopping by: It should work well under every version of Windows, also on 7. I had no success on the x64 Editions, though.
Maybe you could get them to run properly with 'Compatibility settings'.Hope I could help some.
x64 won't work because it uses the 16-bit subsystem which has been removed in all 64-bit Windows. XP Mode should work anyways.
Would MS Bob work fine in Windows 8?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKING NEWS----------------------
I use windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit German. -
Would MS Bob work fine in Windows 8?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BREAKING NEWS----------------------
I use windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit German.
As we talk German and you use a German version of Windows, i think we können in Deutsch sprechen.Es könnte funktionieren, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher. Benutz lieber eine VirtualBox mit Windows XP, dort bin ich mir sicher, dass es funktioniert.
Mit 64 Bit garantiert nicht, da fehlt das gesamte Subsystem für 16 Bit-Programme.
As we talk German and you use a German version of Windows, i think we können in Deutsch sprechen.Es könnte funktionieren, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher. Benutz lieber eine VirtualBox mit Windows XP, dort bin ich mir sicher, dass es funktioniert.
That's what im sicher too.
Worked for me on Windows XP (http://winhistory.de/more/bilder/bobxp.jpg), so I think it should run on the newer ones. But not on the 64-Bit Editions.
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