Windows Windows NT 3.51 Quäler

  • Hello,
    In the last few days I wanted to do some experiments with Windows NT 3.51. For this OS, the official hardware requirements are:
    80386 CPU at 25MHz
    12MB of RAM (or 16MB for the server version)
    Well... I have a Thinkpad 300 with a 386 CPu that can run down to 6MHz, but I won't be using it because I don't want to damage it by opening it multiple times (did it in the past, it's a cheap computer (and rare) and I know I'll end up breaking it).
    Instead, I'lll use my Headland SNB-M015 motherboard with an Am386 SX 33 CPU that can run at 7MHz without the Turbo (still 1 MHz faster).
    I did the installation part at 33MHz because that's few hours saved, and with only 8MB of RAM. It tooks approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
    Once the installation was done I removed 2MB of RAM, put a jumper on the turbo pins so it run at the lower speed and it was still booting.

    Am 386 SX 33 at 7MHz, 6MB of RAM. Boot time: 4 Minutes.
    I did a video of this configuration to show you how slow it is. I ran sysinfo from a DOS bootdisk before restarting and booting because I can't run it under NT (maybe because of the DOS emulation), I have some error messages, like divide errors, or just showing 80386 0Mhz...
    Video link

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Babass (24. April 2019 um 20:40)

  • When running at full speed (33 MHz here) it's quite slow but it's still OK. I might try installing the Service Pack 5 if you want. For the new shell I never tried before, so I don't know how that works.
    Also with 4 MB of RAM the system is still booting but after entering the session password nothing happens, the Program manager won't show up, even if I unactivate all the services.

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