ZitatBack when Microsoft's Julie Larson-Green demonstrated Windows 7's multitouch framework during the All Things Digital conference, many noted the different taskbar that she was using on the demo machine. When Walt Mossberg asked her about it, she smiled and replied "It's something we're working on for Windows 7 and I'm not supposed to talk about right now, today..." Personally, I was quite intrigued by this revamped taskbar, seeing how static and old the current one already is (Windows 95, people).
Windows 7 will allow you to re-arrange taskbar entries, that much is clear. Spanning the taskbar across multiple monitors shouldn't be too hard either, and I can even envision a system where each monitor gets its own taskbar, but how exactly that would work, I don't know. Microsoft is certainly looking at the issue of identification, but what exactly they're going to change is hard to tell from just this blog post. We'll also get more control over the notification area; I think this will crystallise in users having to give explicit permission before applications may use the system tray. In any case, we at least now know that Microsoft is seriously reworking the taskbar, and now we also know what the main areas of improvement will be.Quelle: Rethinking the Taskbar
davon die Quelle: Engineering Windows 7 : User Interface: Starting, Launching, and Switching
Wow MS meints ja wohl echt ernst, war das klassische Explorerinterface doch damals DER hit und seitdem der Garant für Einheitlichkeit der Bedienung unter Windows. Andererseits sollten die im Artikel genannten Schwachpunkte auch aus heutiger Sicht durchaus mal gefixt werden.
Ich bin schon ein bisschen gespannt ob das wieder nur ein klitzekleiner weiterer Schritt in der Evolution des integralen Bestandteils der Windows-GUI ist oder ob MS da wirklich mal etwas zaubert, wo die Welt Augen macht.