
  • Zitat von OBrasilo

    Yes, Windows Neptune was a planned successor to Windows 2000, planned to be Windows NT version 5.5.
    And Neptune had a successor of its own planned, Odyssey, planned to be version 6.0.
    Just read the Wikipedia articles, and the sources to Paul Thurrott's stuff they provide. They prove that quite quickly.

    However, Norman is failing to say the whole truth, namely, that later, Neptune, and Odyssey were merged into one project, Neptune becoming the Home/Personal Edition, and Odyssey the Professional, and Server, counterpart. ;)

    hm whut?

    i thought you can german too? but why you write here in english? öö

    (wtf, i hate english)

    edit: i hope you can understand me, because the norway language is much better, i like norsk <3

  • This is a neverending Stroy :fresse:

  • Ich bin für Schliessen.

    "I think that computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."
    (Stephen William Hawking)
    (Igor bevölkert das Winhistory-Forum seit dem 21.09.2006)
    (In the rpg commonly known as rl, Igor got an extra life on March 28, 2009)

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