Was hört ihr gerade?
Chaosradio zum E-Post Brief.
1. Code - The Architect (ganzes Album)
2. Camera Obscura - (same) -
Picco - Yeke Yeke (The Real Booty Babes Rmx)
Incubus - New Skin
Ace of Base - All that she wants
Ozzy Osbourne – Back On Earth
Frank Zander - Hier kommt Kurt
ACDC- You shook me all night long -
EAV - Fata Morgana
YouTube - Edguy- King Of Fools
\m/ fuckn HardC0re \m/ -
Spielsounds vom Rechner meiner Freundin.
Stromae - Alors on danse
C&C Red Alert 1 - Hell March \m/
Katy Perry feat. Snopp Dog California Gurls
EDIT:Train Hey,Soul sister (My favourite:) )
Nachbarstochter auf dem Balkon über mir - Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus
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