Age of Empires Online

  • Ich poste hier nur mal die TOU der Closed Beta von Age of Empires Online, wobei ich Punkt 4 und 5 am besten finde :D

    Age of Empires Online Beta Application Survey
    * kennzeichnet ein Pflichtfeld.Age of Empires Online Closed Beta – Terms of Use

    By playing the Age of Empires Online Closed Beta, you acknowledge that everything related to this beta is confidential and should be treated as confidential. Please keep in mind that features you see in this beta may change or be removed in the final version and those features should always remain confidential.
    1. Do not take photos, videos, or audio recordings of the beta software.
    2. Do not post photos, videos, or audio recordings of the beta software on any venue.
    3. Do not describe any part of the beta software on any venue except the alpha’s official Microsoft Connect website.
    4. Do not allow others to play or watch you play the beta software.
    5. Do not leave the beta software running unattended.
    6. Do not leave the beta’s official Microsoft Connect website or official community website running unattended.
    7. Do not threaten or abuse other participants in the beta software or on the beta’s official Microsoft Connect website or official community website.
    8. Do not attempt to hack, modify, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise tamper with the beta software.
    9. Do not attempt to hack or otherwise interrupt the beta’s official Microsoft Connect website or official community website.
    10. Do not attempt to copy or redistribute the beta software.
    11. You may download one copy of the beta software and play it from one computer only.

    Home Page | Age of Empires Online

  • Was für nen schmarn. aber hey du bist ja neugierig.

    Generell stehe ich dem stück software aber eher sehr verhalten gegenüber. die grafik fand ich auf bisherigen bildern grottig, und das spielkonzept soll ja noch mehr vermurkst worden sein. age 3 hatte schon nen bissel was "hektisches", man konnte sich nicht mal richtig einbuddeln.

    Zudem hab ich letztlich was schönes in nen anderen forum gelesen, statt free-to-play hieß es da pay-to-win. also daher eh mal schauen. von company of heroes ist auch schon nen ableger "online" angekündigt. aber die kommen da eh nicht aus dem pudding. da war das letzte addon auch nur abzocke.

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