Wie kann man bei Win 98se bei der Installation Scandisk überspringen?

Windows 98se Scandisk bei der Installation ünerspringen
gib mal setup /? ein
da gibts die schalter /in /im /...
einer davon schaltet scandisk aus, der andere speicherüberprüfung, ... -
Parameter Function
/? Provides a list of the setup switches (not always complete)
/d Tells setup to NOT use the current version of Windows on the hard drive (if one exists) to execute the Windows 98 setup routines. Can only be used if you run setup.exe from a "real mode" DOS prompt. This is useful if the current version on the hard drive is corrupt.
/id Tells setup to skip checking for enough disk space for the installation.
/ie Setup will skip the emergency startup disk creation.
/ih Setup will only run the "consistancy checks" on the Registry, no other portions of the Windows 98 installation will execute. Useful if you think you may have a registry problem.
/il Loads the Logitech mouse driver. Use this if you have a series C Logitech mouse.
/im Tells setup to skip the RAM check
/in Tells setup to skip the Networking setup screens.
/iq Tells setup to skip checking for cross-linked files
/ir Tells setup to not update the Master Boot Record.
/is Tells setup to skip running SCANDISK on your hard drive prior to beginning installation
/iv Skips the graphics that change every few minutes during the file copy phase of the installation
/IW Skips the Windows 98 Licensing screen (note that this must be in capital letters)
/nf Windows 98 Setup will skip the prompt to remove the floppy disk from the disk drive - useful if installing from a bootable CD-ROM. -
Vielen Dank
Jetzt tut sich mich die Frage auf: Wieso eigentlich scandisk überspringen? Das dauert nun wirklich nicht die Welt bei ner leeren Platte.
mein 486er hängt sich zB bei scandisk gerne auf, so konnt ichs umgehen. ausserdem auf lahmeren pcs sparts zeit
ok. auch n grund...
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