New Neptune Video

  • Hello there connecting from Australia,

    first: please avoid using automatical translation services – before looking at the mentioned YouTube channel, it wasn’t quite clear to me what you were trying to express. My guess is that everyone interested speaks English well enough in this context, so feel free to use it.

    (Für alle ebenfalls Verwirrten: Er wollte ursprünglich wohl etwas in der Richtung “I don’t know how this user fixed those (activity) centers, but they seem to work flawless” schreiben.)

    Windows Neptune is a topic that used to lead to great controversy on this board – if it was not for legal issues, at least it was always good for an argument which place it should have taken in Microsoft’s product line. ;) It’s exciting to see someone gathered so much information and knowledge to make Neptune work how it was supposed to do. It might not make up for a productive system (and never will), but it does for an interactive piece of Microsoft’s curiosity cabinet.

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